“It was so amazing, I never wanted to stop…” Enjoy this whimsical, empowering, delightfully wholesome series of four animated shorts. Magical Caresses is an animated documentary series, in which Quebecois illustrator and filmmaker Lori Malépart-Traversy takes a playful and uninhibited look at solo sexuality. These are supported and released by the National Film Board of Canada, created while Lori was an artist-in-residence at the Cinémathèque québécoise. There are a total of four short films, each one only four minutes long, discussing various topics about female sexuality and the unique experiences various women have had discovering their sexuality. Big Bang (first below) is about a 23-year-old woman’s quest to achieve her first orgasm. Sweet Jesus is about when masturbation has its “come to Jesus” moment. Playhouse features confessions about a woman’s favorite erotic scenarios. And Masturbation: A Short History of a Great Taboo is about, well, that’s obvious. There’s nudity, so these are NSFW. They’re all worth watching anyway. // Continue Reading ›
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