“June is on the case!” Shout Studios has unveiled a trailer for the indie comedy titled Drugstore June, made by filmmaker Nicholaus Goossen, along with actress Esther Povitsky co-writing the script. It’s set to open in limited theaters (NY & LA) starting in February. After the pharmacy in her small town is robbed, a girl who still lives at home with her parents takes matters into her own hands to solve the crime, while at the same time trying to get over her ex-boyfriend and become more of an adult. Described as “it’s small, funny, and lands smack in the middle of a favorite genre: off-center charmer turns world upside down.” Starring Esther Povitsky as the titular June, joined by Beverly D’Angelo, James Remar, Haley Joel Osment, Jackie Sandler, Miranda Cosgrove, Danny Griffin, Brandon Wardell, Bobby Lee, Matt Walsh. This looks kooky and amusing, with a lead performance that might make some of you laugh your asses off. // Continue Reading ›
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