“The world has come to an end. The world calls upon the hunter.” Netflix has launched a teaser trailer for a Korean post-apocalyptic action movie called Badland Hunters, arriving for streaming (worldwide) later in January. “Ready, Set, Hunt.” This looks badass! Years after Seoul turns into an apocalyptic wasteland, a tough huntsman takes matters into his own hands when a teenager he’s close to is abducted by a mad doctor who conducts experiments on humans. Nam San battles formidable foes in the wilderness with an array of weapons, from bare fists to rifles, with the intense action choreography that is a hallmark of Director Heo Myeong-haeng’s stunt work. Don Lee (Ma Dong-seok – Korea’s “Dwayne Johnson” seen in Train to Busan, The Outlaws, The Eternals) stars as Nam San, with Lee Hee Jun, plus Lee Jun-young as his trusted partner, Choi ji-wan. Looks gnarly! Another film for Don Lee to punch everything, including a big alligator. // Continue Reading ›
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