“Salvation comes in the blink of an eye.” Lightfold, a new animation studio based in Atlanta, has unveiled the first official trailer for their debut series called Godspeed. This is the latest creation from the animation filmmaker behind the popular Final Space sci-fi series, and it involves yet another space adventure sci-fi story. Godspeed follows a young woman named Iris, voiced by Bryce Charles, and her adorable karaoke-bot sidekick named Bowie as they navigate the desolate landscape of their crumbling world (sounds lot like Earth once climate change ravages everything). She must survive a planet-ending storm in hopes of finding a message that will help her escape this place. The voice cast also features Troy Baker (The Last of Us), Claudia Black (Farscape, The Nevers), Coty Galloway & Olan Rogers (both from Final Space), and a few surprises. As most readers know, we’re big fans of any and everything sci-fi, which is why we’re posting this trailer. Looks like it has some potential, even as an indie web series made on a tiny budget. Check it out. // Continue Reading ›
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