Twenty years ago, the extraordinary Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King opened in theaters, completing the original LOTR saga. Created by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, this epic trilogy is in my humble opinion one of the greatest trilogies ever in cinema history. In celebration of this 20th anniversary, the props & weapons & practical FX house Weta Workshop has posted a video on their YouTube. This “20 years of Middle-earth” video is a “behind-the-scenes at Wētā Workshop” look at their Lord of the Rings days. “In order to share our joy with fans worldwide, please enjoy this collection of fond memories from our days spent sketching, sculpting, exploring, painting, crafting, creating, and, most importantly, dreaming within the vast world of Middle-earth.” It’s a silent slideshow of photographs from the making of the LOTR movies, running a grand total of 40 mins as it slowly fades from one photo to the next. There are SO many incredible images to discover in here. I just wish they could put the score or some music into the video, too. // Continue Reading ›
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