We recently reported that Sony’s cracking down on the use of PS5’s browser. The company is sending out emails warning users against messaging certain URLs to one another — which turn into clickable links for browser use — as they risk having their PSN accounts banned. However, players are already a step ahead of the company and have found yet another loophole to access the console’s browser.
Why PS5 owners insist on using the browser
Beyond obvious uses like attempting to mod and jailbreak, PS5 owners use the browser for tasks like running YouTube and Twitch picture-in-picture. Sony isn’t having that, though, and continues to plug the loopholes. In its latest crackdown, the company added automatic removals for all Google and Bing URLs sent via messages.
Players aren’t having it either. One user has found that messaging a Wikipedia link to a friend will turn it into a clickable link. Once players land on the website, they can search for Bing, and on the Wikipedia page for the search engine, they will find a link that takes them straight to its home page.
We imagine that this might be a hard one to patch, but never underestimate Sony’s ability to patch up security exploits at the speed of light. Meanwhile, 5-year-old PS Store bugs have yet to be fixed.
The post PS5 Users Find Workaround to Access Browser After Crackdown appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.
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