“My pen pal is a true badass woman.” An official trailer has debuted for an indie documentary film titled The Letter League, made by filmmaker Michelle Boyaner. The film is premiering this upcoming weekend at the 2023 QDoc Film Festival in Portland, Oregon. Everyone has heard of pen pals, and everyone probably had a pen pal at one point in school. But why stop? Why not keep writing to people randomly around the world? That’s what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Letter League documentary tells the story of queer artist Heather Spooner and the adult pen pal program she created during the 2020 pandemic, featuring the poignant and humorous stories of connection and humanity that came from it. A heartfelt film about connection, and how much we really need to feel connected and understood when times are tough. The film features cute animation to visualize a lot of the interviews & stories being told by the participants. // Continue Reading ›
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