“A beguiling cosmic nightmare.” XYZ Films has debuted an official trailer for an indie horror psychological thriller called Lovely, Dark, and Deep, which marks the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Teresa Sutherland. The film originally premiered at Canada’s Fantasia Film Festival and Toronto After Dark Film Festival, and also at the MOTELx Lisbon Horror Film Festival last year. Lennon, a new back-country ranger, travels alone through the dangerous wilderness, hoping to uncover the origins of a tragedy that has haunted her since she was a child. While adapting to her solitary existence in the wilderness, she becomes aware of a lurking, sinister presence. Georgina Campbell stars as Lennon, with a small indie cast including Nick Blood, Wai Ching Ho, Edgar Morais, Ana Sofia Martins, and Soren Hellerup. This looks way, way creepier than you’re probably expecting – especially when it gets weirder as this super eerie trailer plays out. // Continue Reading ›
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