“Every life ends…” A24 has unveiled an official trailer for an intriguing film titled Tuesday, marking the feature directorial debut of Croatian filmmaker Daina Oniunas-Pusic (aka Daina O. Pusić). This premiered at last year’s Telluride Film Festival, but it hasn’t shown up many other places since then. This features a rather unique high concept: a mother and her teenage daughter must confront Death when it arrives in the form of an astonishing talking bird (who appears as a big parrot). It’s a story about a woman who is sick and dying, and a mother who doesn’t want to let her daughter go, learning to accept the reality of death thanks to this talking bird (as Death) helping her though it. All of this sounds quite wild. Julia Louis-Dreyfus stars as Zora, Lola Petticrew as Tuesday, Leah Harvey, Ellie James, and Arinzé Kene as the voice of Death. This actually doesn’t seem that weird, looks like a soulful & emotional journey through tough times. // Continue Reading ›
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