There is an outstanding documentary film that just premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival called Will & Harper, featuring the iconic actor / comedian Will Ferrell and his friend Harper Steele. It’s a road trip film, following the two as they embark upon a journey across the United States of America, from New York City to California. However, this film is much more important that just a road trip story. Will learned that his good friend had recently transitioned into a woman, and he didn’t quite know how to deal with the situation properly. So he proposed this idea to her and they decide to get a documentary film crew to follow them along as they talk and drive and have a good time. It turned out wonderful. It feels like Will & Harper is a watershed moment for trans visibility and allyship. It may actually cause real change. It’s an emotionally honest, beautiful, authentic, uplifting film about two good friends learning to grow and explore themselves together. The audience gave this an instant standing ovation at the end – not a common thing at Sundance. // Continue Reading ›
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