“It’s not that deep fam. Take this, it will help.” Time for an escape – into the world of animation. ESC is an amusing 3-minute long, 3D animated short film created by the studio FOREAL. It’s written and directed by London-based filmmaker Sam Southward, whose distinct shiny objects & rounded-corners style works well for this story of an overworked young woman who needs relief. The film was created for OFFF México (here), “an international festival that celebrates creativity & digital culture in the company of the brightest minds from Mexico and the world.” The description for this ESC short says that she “realises that she must refocus on what’s important” while in the midst of her existential crisis. Though I’m wondering if she truly found an “escape” or just another brief distraction from the overworked office hellscape most are stuck in..? // Continue Reading ›
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