“Deeply moving and unforgettable.” Abramorama has released the official trailer for a documentary titled A Still Small Voice, from filmmaker Luke Lorentzen, who last made the acclaimed Midnight Family. This initially premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, where it won the Best Director prize at the end of the fest. An aspiring hospital chaplain named Margaret (aka Mati) begins a yearlong residency in spiritual care, only to discover that to successfully tend to her patients, she must look deep within herself. Described in reviews as “one of the most profound and rewarding experiences any film offers this year.” Through Mati’s experiences with her patients, her struggle with professional burnout, and her own spiritual questioning, we gain new perspectives on how meaningful connection can be and how painful its absence is. As Mati and her patients take stock of their lives and experiences, space opens up to reflect on our own. This looks like a touching, one-of-a-kind film that seems to be as deeply spiritual as any film can be. View below. // Continue Reading ›
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